Design, wiring, commissioning, distribution and automation panels:

all this
is Next.

Towards the future


Next is a young, modern company, a close-knit group that looks with particular attention to technological innovation and the quality of the product and service provided.

Next’s team is the combination of fresh energy, combined with a wide and deep experience and knowledge in the field of electrical installation, automation and plant start-up, on the international market.

combination of

Next technicians are constantly engaged in  training and professional updating programs in order to be always up to date with new technologies, new tools and the specifications of new regulations.
Offering our customers the best in terms of competence and professionalism: a challenge that we win every day.

Talent makes you win a game. Intelligence and teamwork make you win a championship. 

(Michael Jordan)


From last generation panels to wiring, from supervision to maintenance to assembly and disassembly of lines. Thanks to the activity and services of Next, every company can have a reliable partner, qualified and always ready to respond to different needs.
Next: a problem-solver in every part of the world.

Next designs and manufactures any type of electrical panel for automation, with components and devices ofhigh technology, reliability and latest generation, to obtain a quality product, extremely safe and at the forefront of technology.
The electrical panels manufactured by Next are then subjected to careful testing and accompanied by tests as required by the latest CEI EN 61439-1 standards.

The service,
precise and
on time

Next carries out the service of on-machine installation, wiring and control of industrial automation, supervision of assembly, maintenance in all sectors and according to the specifications of each customer worldwide.

and certifications
of compliance
for each type
of installation

Next carries out assembly and disassembly, displacement of existing lines or installation of new plants (from wiring of the electrical panel, to the plant, ducts and maintenance, to I/O tests) on request.
It also verifies the electrical continuity of the complete system by issuing the CEI EN 60204-1 (CEI 44-5) certification.

and specialized
the world

Electrical panels? Service? Wiring?
Please contact us for any question, information ore request…

Next provides on-machine services, wiring and installation supervision, in all countries of the world.
Italy, France, Chile, Brazil, Australia, China are some of the countries in which Next has operated offering a fast, efficient and professional service.
Our teams are  always ready to go anywhere in the world where Next’s support is required.


*You can contact us via application form for any request or information.
We will reply as soon as possible.

Thank you for your trust.

**Call this number
+39 0583 949343

8 + 6 =

Via di Sottomonte, 29B
55060 Guamo
Lucca - Italy
T +39 0583 94 93 43
P. Iva IT02503160463